Tuesday, April 8, 2008

my brother in action

Ok, so not literally my brother but I joke that it's him in action!
This commercial makes me laugh until I nearly PIMP .. from the Superbowl

and this series of badger commercials is my inspiration


Darylynn said...

Hi Melissa! Welcome back! I changed your link so I can find you. I have 3 favorite commercials- and the flashdance car salesman is one of them. The ending where he leans back in the chair and gets doused slays me! My other favs are Ikea's "Start the Car" and "Toby"- If you haven't seen those let me know and I'll send you the YouTube links.

We really don't go to the shows too often because it's such a hurry up and wait proposition. I usually go when one of my "kids" wants to see someone so we saw Conan when he was in LA. I have Idol tickets but may not go because it's getting to be a standing up thing thru the whole show.

Have a great rest of the week! (((Hugz)))

Lynn said...

Hi Melissa!

Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment so I knew of your visit. Looks like you are "beginning again" with the blogging as well! I guess we go through phases when life is hectic, busy, complex - and we just don't have the emotional energy for computer time.

That's my story anyway! I'm not putting any pressure on myself because it can become burdensome to keep up when other things in life are pressing in.. but blogging is a helpful outlet for me, and it's a very nice way to keep up with online friends who even when I took the blogging break, I still kept up with and cared for! I hope to keep it up at least semi-regularly. Blogging is COOL!

Well again, thanks for getting in touch! I'll be back to visit!

Hugs ~

Kimberly said...

Hi Melissa: I sure remember your graphics and site. Found you by way of Lynn, so I'll come visit often. I don't always get to post every day, but I like blogging. Time does fly by so quickly, my children are now 21 and 18. Wow! I just can't believe. So we are preparing for Senior prom and Graduation. Have a great week!!